FNCCI cooperates with the following foreign chambers and organisations through memorandum of understanding / agreement :
Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI), (27 November, 1983)
60, Motijheel C/A, GPO Box 2079, Dhaka 1000.
Tel. (8802) 9560598, 9560102-3. Fax (8802) 7176030, 9560588.
PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI), (12 March, 1988)
PHD House, Opp. Asian Games Village, New Delhi 110 016.
Tel. (9111) 6863801-4. Fax (9111) 6863135.
The Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland (CCCF), (17 June, 1993)
Aleksanterinkatu 17, GPO Box 1000, 00101 Helsinki, Finland.
Tel. (3589) 696969. Fax (3589) 650303.
Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (AFEC), (21 June, 1993)
Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63, GPO Box 150, 1045 Vienna, Austria.
Tel. (431) 501054787. Fax (431) 50105265.
The Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce, (25 June, 1993)
84 Hahashmonaim Street, Tel Aviv 67011, Israel.
Tel. (9723) 5631020. Fax (9723) 5619027.
Federation of Egyptian Chamber of Commerce (FECC), (28 June, 1993)
4 Midan EI - Falaky Square, Cairo, Egypt.
Tel. (202) 7956066, 7953677. Fax (202) 7951164
Egyptian Businessmen's Association (EBA), (28 June, 1993)
Nile Tower - 21, Giza Street, GPO Box 265, Giza, Cairo.
Tel. (202) 5736030. Fax (202) 5737258.
The Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), (13 October, 1993)
11, Community Centre, Zamrudpur, New Delhi 110 048, India.
Tel. (9111) 6446321. Fax (9111) 6451981.
Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, (29 October, 1993)
Regional Office South Asia, USO House, 6, Special Institutional Area, New Delhi 110 067, India.
Tel. (9111) 6862064 / 6863846. Fax (9111) 6862042
Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sri Lanka (FCCISL), (21 December, 1993)
29, Gregory's Road, GPO Box 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Tel. (941) 699530, 698225. Fax (941) 699530.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, (19 August, 1994)
2, Octavian Goga Boulevard, R-74244, Bucharest, Romania.
Tel. (401) 3229516. Fax (401) 3229517.
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), (8 February, 1995)
23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003.
Tel. (9111) 4629994, 4626164, 4366225. Fax (9111) 4626149, 4366311.
[email protected] Url: http://www.ciionline.org
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), (26 December, 1995)
23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003.
Tel. (9111) 4629994, 4626164, 4366225. Fax (9111) 4626149, 4366311.
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), (13 February, 1996)
Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi 110 001, India.
Tel. (9111) 3738760. Fax (9111) 3320714.
All China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), (5 September, 1996)
93 Bei He Yan Dajie, Beijing 100006, China.
Tel. (8610) 65136677, 651332312-2313. Fax (8610) 65131769
Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI), (2 November, 1996)
Federation House, Main Clifton Road, GPO Box 13875, Karachi 75600, Pakistan
Tel. (9221)5873691,93-94. Fax (9221) 5874332.
Union of Myanmar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI), (4 April, 1997)
No. 504/506, Merchant St., Kyauktada Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel. (95-1) 246495, 243151, 381284, 381285. Fax (951) 248177.
Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI), (5 November, 1998)
3-2-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100
Tel. (813) 32837851. Fax (813) 32166497.
Federation of Jordanian Chambers of Commerce (FJCC), (7 April 2000)
P.O. Box 7029 Amman, 11118 Jordan
Tel. (962-6) 5665492, 5690398. Fax (962-6) 5685997.
The Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI), (18 May 2000)
45, 4-Ka, Namaemun-ro, Chung-Ku, Seoul, Korea
Tel. (82-2) 316-3114. Fax (82-2) 757-9475.
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), (21 June 2000)
No. 1 Fuxingmenwai Street, Beijing, P.R China(100860)
Tel. (8610) 68020229, 68034823, 68013344. Fax (8610) 68030747, 68011370.
[email protected] Url: http://www.ccpit.org
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), (2 August, 2000)
23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003.
Tel. (9111) 4629994, 4626164, 4366225. Fax (9111) 4626149, 4366311.
The Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UCCI), (18 September 2000)
Information Department, 33, vul. Velyka Zhytomyrska, Kiev, 01601, Ukraine
Tel. (0038044) 2722911. Fax (0038044) 2723353.
Confederation of Danish Industries (CODI), (2 February 2001)
18, H.C. Andersens Boulevard, DK-1787 Copenhagen V.
Tel. (0045) 33773377. Fax (0045) 33773300.
Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency of Mongolia (FIFTAM), (5 February 2001)
Room 209, Second Floor, State Property Building-1, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Tel. (0097611) 326040, 320871, 321438, 320793. Fax (0097611) 324076.
The French Business Confederation (MEDEF International), (7 March 2001)
31 Avenue Pierre 1er de serbie 75784 Paris, Cedex 16 France
Tel. 33 1 40 69 96 00. Fax 33 1 47 23 47 32.
The Singapore Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Indsutry (SFCCI), (21 March 2001)
47, Hill Street, No. 03-01, Chinese Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Singapore 179365
Tel. (0065) 3389761. Fax (0065) 3395630.
Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry, (11 September 2001)
775, Safat 13008, Kuwait, State of Kuwait
Tel. (00965) 805580 Ext.#555. Fax (00965) 2460693.
Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), (14 March 2003)
P.O. Box 147, Doybum Lam, Thimpu, Bhutan
Tel. (00975) 2322742, 2324254. Fax (00975) 2223936
Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QCCI), (16 June 2005)
P.O. Box 402, Doha, Qatar
Tel. (00974) 4559111. Fax (00974) 4661693, 4661697
Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), (29 October 2005)
11 Chavchavadre Avenue, 0179 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel. (00995 32) 230045, 293375. Fax (00995 32) 235760
Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists of Turkiye (TUSKON), (17 June 2008)
Merkez Mh. Abide-i Hurriyet Cad., Hanimefendi Sk. No : 135 / 4B Sisli / Istanbul
Tel. 0212 368 81 10 (Pbx). Fax: 0 212 368 81 06
E-mail :
[email protected] Url: http://www.tuskon.org/?yenilisan=en
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), (15 September, 2008)
23, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003.
Tel. (9111) 4629994, 4626164, 4366225. Fax (9111) 4626149, 4366311.
The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (23 October 2008)
3rd Floor, ECC Building, 355 Sen. Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City
Tel. (632)896-4549. Fax: (632)899-1727
The Central Chamber of Commerce of Finland, (2 April 2009)
World Trade Center Helsinki, Aleksanterinkatu 17, P.O. Box 1000, 00101 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358 9 4242 6200. Fax: +358 9 650 303
The Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, (30 July 2009)
Commerce House, Level 3, 24 Brisbane Avenue, BARTON ACT 2600
PO Box 6005, KINGSTON ACT 2604
Tel. 61 2 6273 2311. Fax: 61 2 6273 3286
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers, (18 November 2009)
Wisma FMM, No. 3, Persiaran Dagang, PJU 9
Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel. 603-6276 1211. Fax: 603-6274 1266/7288
Url: http://www.fmm.org.my
Federation of UAE Chamber of Commerce & Industry, (27 April 2010)
P.O. Box 738 Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
Tel. +971 9 2222400. Fax: +971 9 2221464
Url: http://www.fujcci.ae
World Trade Center Association, (12 January 2011)
420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 518 New York
NY 10179
Tel. +1-800 937-8886
Url: http://www.wtcaonline.com
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, (25 July 2011)
109012 Moscow, St. Ilyinka, 6
Tel. +7 (495) 620-0009. Fax: +7 (495) 620-0360
Url: http://www.tpprf.ru/en
The Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, (2 August 2012)
MNCCI Building, Mahatma Gandhi street
1st khoroo, Khan-Uul district
Ulaanbaatar 17011, UB Post - 101011001
Tel. +976-11-327176. Fax: +976-11-324620
Url: http://www.mongolchamber.mn/en/
The Chinese International Economic Cooperation Association, (5 October 2012)
2F, 83 Ba De Road, Sec. 4,
Taipei 10561, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel. 886-2-2742-5342
Url: www.cieca.org.tw/en/
Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA), (5 October 2012)
No. 175, Shahid Mousavi St.
Taleghani St. Tehran, Iran
Tel. +98 21 85732222
Url: https://en.iccima.ir
Cairo Chamber of Commerce, (27 May 2013)
Tel. 27958261/ 27958262 /27948491
Url: https://en.cairochamber.org.eg
London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, (30 May 2013)
33 Queen St, City of London, London
Tel. +44 (0) 20 7248 4444
Url: https://www.londonchamber.co.uk
The Bhutan Chamber of Commerce & Industry, (11 August 2013)
Post Box: 147
Doybum Lam, Thimphu, Bhutan
Tel. +975-2-324254 / 322742. Fax: +975-2-323936
Url: http://www.bcci.org.bt
Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, (10 February 2015)
22/F United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong
Tel. (852) 2529 9229. Fax: (852) 2527 9843
Url: http://www.chamber.org.hk
China Chamber of Tourism, (19 July 2016)
Tel. .........................................
E-mail : ...................................
Url: ............................................
The Kowloon Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong (KCC), (20 November 2017)
3/F ,Kowloon Chamber of Commerce Building, 2 Liberty Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel. (852) 27600393. Fax: (852) 27610166
Url: http://www.hkkcc.org.hk
The China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC), (November 2017)
Tel. (..........) ............................
E-mail : ............................
Url: ............................
Small & Medium Business Corporation (SBC), (30 October 2018)
Dongjin Rd. 430, Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do, 52851
Republic of Korea
Tel. (+82) 55-751-9677 . Fax: (+82) 55-751-9699
Url: http://www.sbc.or.kr
Der Mittelstand. BVMW e.V. (BVMW), (2024)
(Eng. The German Associaton for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, "BVMW")
Potsdamer Str. 7, Berlin, Germany.
Tel. (+49) 30 5332060
Url: https://bvmw.de
Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry, (24 April 2024)
P.O. Box : 402 Doha, Qatar.
Url: www.qatarchamber.com/
Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM), (29 April 2024)
Wisma FMM
No. 3 Persiaran Dagang, PJU 9,
Bandar Sri Damansara,
52200 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel. (+603) 62867200
Url: www.fmm.org.my
National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia, (29 April 2024)
Level 3, West Wing, Menara MATRADE
Jalan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah,
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel. (+603) 6204 9811
Url: https://www.nccim.org.my/home