
Promoting Sustainable Housing in Nepal

UN-Habitat with support of European Union introduced Green Homes Project in Nepal with aim of promoting sustainable housing concepts in Nepal. The concept of sustainable housing mainly focuses on reducing negative impact on natural resources and carbon emissions in housing system. The eco-friendly practices helps to curb the energy consumption in housing sector and helps to mitigate global climate change effects thus resulting in healthy wellbeing. The Green Homes Project is being implemented by UN-Habitat with its implementing partners (Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) (Clean Energy Nepal (CEN), Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO), Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS) and Shelter and Local Technology Development Center (SLTDC)). 

The specific objectives of the project are:
  1. Create an enabling policy environment to promote sustainable housing; 
  2. Strengthen supply chains for sustainable housing and building capacity of Small and Medium Enterprises(SMEs) to deliver household level green technologies and services
  3. Stimulate demand for sustainable housing
The existing SMEs in sustainable housing sector in Nepal are lacking proper technical and management skills. Realizing the importance of strengthening SMEs and to build capacity of SMEs, UN-Habitat in partnership with FNCCI is working to strengthen supply chain of sustainable housing products/services under Green Homes Project. 

Five Components of Green Homes Projects:
  1. Green Construction Materials
  2. Passive Solar Design
  3. Energy Efficiency
  4. Waste Management
  5. Water Conservation

For more information on Green Homes Project

Activity Summary of Green Homes-Promoting sustainable housing in Nepal

Following are the activities conducted by FNCCI under Green Homes Project with support of UN-Habitat and other organizations
Consultation/Dissemination Workshop
  Activities Date Supported By
1 Workshop on strategy preparation for strengthening of supply chain and marketing of sustainable housing in Dharan 24th December 2014 UN-Habitat,SunsariCCI, Dharan Sub-Metropolitan City
2 Workshop on strategy preparation for strengthening of supply chain and marketing of sustainable housing in lalitpur 27th January 2015 UN-Habitat, LalitpurCCI, Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City
3 Workshop on strategy preparation for strengthening of supply chain and marketing of sustainable housing in Pokhara 22nd March 2015 UN-Habitat, Pokhara CCI,Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City
4 RE in Urban Context: Challenges and Opportunities 22nd November 2015 UN-Habitat, CEN, Lalitpur SMC, IOE
Consultation Meeting
  Activities Date Remarks
1 Consultation meeting for Hollow Concrete Block SMEs in Pokhara 24th August 2014 UN-Habitat, Pokhara CCI, Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City
2 Networking meeting with   Switch Asia Projects in Nepal to take initiation for financial link up for SMEs with financing institution 4th September 2014  
3 Consultation meeting for Solar SMEs in Pokhara 11th November 2014 UN-Habitat, Pokhara CCI
4 Consultation and Orientation Meeting with Financial Institutions 22nd June, 2015 UN-Habitat
5 Consultation Meeting with Financial Institutions 8th February, 2016 UN-Habitat and SWITCH-Asia project partners

Technical Trainings
  Activities Date Remarks
1 Organized and Conducted Training on Energy Efficiency and Solar Installation at Household Level in Pokhara 30 January to 2 February, 2015 UN-Habitat, Pokhara CCI, Pokhara SMC, CEN
2 Organized and Conducted Training on Energy Efficiency and Solar Installation at Household Level in Lalitpur 26– 28 August, 2015 Supported by POkharaCCI, UN-Habitat, Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City, CEN
3 Training on Market Strategy focused on promotion of green products and services 8-9 October, 2015 UN-Habitat, Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City, IHS
4 Three Days training on Solid Waste Management 17-19, December, 2015 UN-Habitat, Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City, ENPHO
5 Organized and Conducted Training on Energy Efficiency and Solar Installation at Household Level 19-21 February, 2016 UN-Habitat, FNCCI

Entrepreneurship Development Trainings
  Activities Date Remarks
1 Entrepreneurship Training on Sustainable Housing, Lalitpur 6-7 September, 2015 UN-Habitat, Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City
2 Entrepreneurship Training on Sustainable Housing, Pokhara 23-24 September, 2015 UN-Habitat, Pokhara CCI, Pokhara SMC
3 Entrepreneurship Training on Sustainable Housing, Pokhara 24-25 September, 2015 UN-Habitat, Pokhara CCI, Pokhara SMC
4 Entrepreneurship Training on Sustainable Housing, Dharan 6-7 November, 2015 UN-Habitat, Sunsari CCI, Dharan SMC
5 Entrepreneurship Training on Sustainable Housing, Lalitpur 23-24 November, 2015 UN-Habitat

Contact Person:

Ranjan Bhatta
Program Manager
FNCCI-Green Homes Project
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 


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